Praise Devotion - “Here I Am to Worship”

Here I Am to Worship: Surrendering in Adoration


Psalm 95:6-7a (NIV) - "Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care."


The song "Here I Am to Worship" beautifully captures the essence of surrendering our hearts in adoration and acknowledging the worthiness of God's glory. It calls us to come before the Lord, bowing down in worship and declaring His majesty.

In Psalm 95:6-7a, we are invited to join in the act of worship and reverence towards our Maker. We recognize that He is our God, the One who cares for us and guides us as His beloved children. When we sing "Here I Am to Worship," we are aligning our hearts with this call to worship, surrendering ourselves before the One who deserves all praise.

This song encourages us to fix our eyes on Jesus, the light of the world, and to let our hearts respond to His love and grace. It reminds us of His sacrificial love and invites us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices, fully surrendered to His will.

As we meditate on the lyrics of "Here I Am to Worship," let it serve as a reminder to intentionally set aside time for worship and adoration. Embrace the invitation to draw near to God, opening your heart in surrender and awe. May it inspire you to let go of distractions and enter into a deeper communion with Him.

Take a moment to reflect on the goodness and worthiness of God. Consider His love and mercy poured out for you. Allow gratitude to well up within you as you contemplate the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Surrender any distractions or worries to Him, and let your focus be on His glory and presence.

As you sing or listen to "Here I Am to Worship," let it be a personal offering of your heart to God. Lift your voice in adoration, expressing your love and gratitude. Allow the song to lead you into a deeper place of surrender, where your life becomes a continual act of worship.


Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heart filled with adoration and surrender. Thank You for Your love and grace that draw me near. Help me to fix my eyes on Jesus and worship You with all that I am. May my life be a living sacrifice, pleasing and honoring to You. In Jesus' name, amen.

Take a moment to worship and surrender your heart as you sing or listen to the song "Here I Am to Worship." Allow the lyrics to guide your thoughts and actions, drawing you into a deeper communion with God. May your worship be a sincere expression of love and surrender, as you declare His worthiness and offer yourself to Him.


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