Praise Devotion - “Amazing Grace”


Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV) - "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast."


The hymn "Amazing Grace" is a timeless masterpiece that beautifully encapsulates the transformative power of God's grace. As we reflect on the lyrics penned by John Newton and the profound melody by Chris Tomlin, we are reminded of the incredible gift of redemption we have received through Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 2:8-9 reminds us that our salvation is not earned through our own efforts or good works. It is a gift from God, freely given to us through His amazing grace. This grace is unmerited and undeserved, yet it is available to all who place their faith in Jesus.

The song "Amazing Grace" invites us to reflect on our past, acknowledging the darkness and brokenness that once defined our lives. It speaks of being lost but then found, blind but then given sight, and bound but then set free. Through God's grace, we have been rescued from the grip of sin and brought into a new life of hope and restoration.

As we meditate on the words of this powerful hymn, let us remember that God's grace is not a one-time event but a continuous outpouring in our lives. It is the divine influence that enables us to live victoriously and walk in His love and truth. His grace empowers us to overcome our weaknesses, find forgiveness for our mistakes, and experience transformation in our character.

Take a moment to reflect on the significance of God's grace in your life. Consider the areas where you have experienced His redemption and the ways He has extended His mercy and forgiveness to you. Embrace the truth that His grace is not limited by your past or your failures, but it reaches beyond your shortcomings and offers you a new beginning.

Let the song "Amazing Grace" be a reminder of God's relentless love and the depth of His mercy. May it stir your heart to gratitude and inspire you to extend that same grace and love to others. As you sing or listen to this song, allow it to be a declaration of praise for the incredible gift of redemption you have received through Jesus Christ.


Heavenly Father, I am grateful for Your amazing grace that has saved me and brought me into a relationship with You. Thank You for the gift of redemption through Jesus Christ. Help me to fully embrace Your grace and live in the freedom it brings. Give me a heart of gratitude and compassion, that I may extend Your grace to others. In Jesus' name, amen.

Take a moment to reflect on the amazing grace of God in your life. Allow the truth of His love and forgiveness to sink deep into your heart and bring transformation. Embrace the freedom and joy that come from living in the grace of God.

Links to devotions and playlists:


Praise Devotion - “10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)”


Praise Devotion - “Break Every Chain”